Summary (October 2004)
Rolf E. Schliewen is an
experienced manager of technology and organizations. His current position is President of RES Policy
Research Inc. (RES Inc.), a firm in public policy research and software. He formed RES Inc. in 1980 and operated it
until 1995. RES Inc. became a public
company, named RES International Inc. (Symbol RESIF). Rolf Schliewen held the position of President
and CEO until 1999, when the shareholders voted a merger and changed the name to
Online Direct Inc. (ODI, Symbol YDI).
After a spin-off from ODI, RES Inc. is again a private firm performing
policy consulting and holding software assets. Rolf Schliewen and Martin Laplante are the
Rolf Schliewen's background
includes military service, university teaching and research, management in a corporation,
and entrepreneurship in small businesses for the last twenty years. He has published research monographs, a
number of papers, and has written essays for public radio. His professional work has been in consultancy
- the analysis of public policy programs, program evaluation, program design,
quantitative research, and comprehensive audits (effectiveness). His customers include many departments of the
Federal Government. Rolf Schliewen
developed expertise in the modernization of public sector organizations which
use formal procedures and employ document management systems and workflow. He supervised software development projects
in this area. He is a strong analyst of
the logic and method of research.
Rolf Schliewen performed
contracts for the modernization of intellectual property offices, in Canada
(Canadian Intellectual Property Office, CIPO), and overseas (Russia, China,
Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, and Mexico).
Rolf Schliewen's current effort is devoted to bringing to market the
internet products of RES Inc., and in consulting.
Born: September 17, 1939
Citizenship: Canadian (since 1975)
Security: Secret (Top Secret qualified)
Languages: English, German; French and
Spanish (limited);
1959 Classical State School Berlin (distinction)
1962 Air Force, Federal Republic of Germany, Commission
1968 Air Force, Air Defence Forces, Captain (Res.)
1966 Free University Berlin, BA, Sociology, Economics
1968 Vanderbilt University, TN. MA, Sociology, Economics
1969 Vanderbilt U., PhD Prelims
(passed with distinction, thesis not completed, results published)
1978 Canadian and U.S. pilot licenses (private)
1966-67 Fulbright / German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
USA (Vanderbilt U., Nashville, TN)
1968 Russell Sage Foundation, Doctoral
Research Grant, 'Technical Change in Multi-Divisional Industrial Organizations'
1969 Joseph Kennedy Foundation,
'Transfer of Power under the Constitution,' quadrennial award to top foreign
graduates of U.S. universities.
Publications (selected)
1977 R.
E. Schliewen, A Leisure Study Canada 1975/Les Loisirs au Canada 1975. Research Monograph commissioned by Arts and
Culture Branch, Secretary of State.
Comstat Consulting Ltd., Ottawa, ON, 1977 (dist. by Supply and Services
1979 R. E. Schliewen, "Technical
Change in a 'Federal' Industrial Organization," pp. 147-167 in R. P. Mohan
(ed.), Management and Complex Organizations in Comparative Perspective. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979.
R. E. Schliewen, National Night-Time Study of Drinking and Driving.
Re-Analysis of the 1975 Survey results with a novel statistical technique
(segmentation). Bilingual research
monograph, published by Transport Canada (TC - Road Safety Branch), 1979.
1970s Papers given at U.S. and Canadian
professional meetings. Subjects in
organization design, goal setting, and the relationship between effectiveness
and efficiency. Review essays on books,
for example, Review of G. Hartfiel, Wirtschaftliche und soziale Rationalitaet
(Economic and Social Rationality).
Ferdinand Enke Verlag Stuttgart, 1968.
Published in Zeitschrift fuer die gesamte Staatswissenschaft (ZgesStW),
Essays on public policy issues
and religious subjects, German public radio, CBC.
2001- President,
RES Policy Research Inc. (RES Inc.)
1999- 2001 VP Business Development, Online Direct Inc.
1980- President, RES Policy Research
Inc.; President and CEO, RES International Inc. (1995-99) - merged with Online
Direct Inc. in 1999, continuing as RES Inc., a private company.
1976-80 VP Research, Comstat Consulting Ltd., Ottawa
1973-76 Project Leader, CANSIM; Asst. Director
of Sales, SMA Inc., a Power Corporation Company, Ottawa and Montreal
1971-73 Asst. Professor, Dalhousie U., Halifax, NS
1969-71 Asst. Professor, U. of Guelph, Guelph, ON
1967-69 Teaching Assistant, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
1959-65 Air Force, Federal Republic of Germany
1. Information Technology Projects
RES Purchaser and Cybermall (
commerce products for public sector purchasing and community based shopping
malls. Based on RES-REACH (TM), a
product of RES Inc. for Internet access to databases. Introduced at the COMDEX show in Nevada,
1997. Product definition, development
plan, and requirements. Current software
products: LookWAYup (at and LinkS-wap
Visible Earth Resources Identification and Diagnosis
System (VERID)
and computing methods for the analysis of remote sensing data (satellite and
airborne). Funded by RES Inc. with
partial contributions from the NRC. Now
used by SMA Inc. (Dr. Jean-Jacques Fortier).
Canadian Patent Office (CPO, now CIPO)
thirty projects for a comprehensive modernization program. Senior consultant, team leader, project
manager. Subjects included all elements
of the systems development life cycle (SDLC), including technology assessment,
vendor qualification and pre-selection, business case analysis, feasibility,
and advice to the Department (CCAC) on the Treasury Board submission. Rolf Schliewen defined and commissioned
funded pilots to assess the ability of industry to meet needs of the most
demanding document management project undertaken in Canada in the 1990s.
Lobbyists Registration Branch (LRB)
and support of the first image-based document management system installed by
the Government of Canada (CCAC), 1989.
Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC - CMS II)
Inc. designed and developed the legal case management system (CMS) for the
CHRC. The system supports 200 employees
in seven regions and handles about 10,000 pending cases (ORACLE, Unix), 1991/94.
Renfrew County Tourism Kiosk System
Schliewen was the Project Manager for a program funded by Ontario, that aimed
to develop and install interactive computer kiosks in Renfrew County. Modern image processing and electronic
commerce application. Detailed knowledge
of the regional business community was developed, 2001-2004.
2. Overseas Projects
RUSSIA – ROSPATENT Modernization
manager in a CIDA-funded project to plan and justify the modernization of the
Russian Patent Office. Feasibility and
business case analysis. Information
systems development plan. Backfile
conversion plan. Assessment of the
quality of Russian patents under Western standards (statistical sample),
Property System Modernization: Feasibility and project plan. Funded by Japan and Colombia. Contract administered by the World Bank,
Property Office Modernization projects. Planning and feasibility studies,
software projects, and business analyses.
Multiple country visits. Funded
by CIDA (China, Venezuela, Colombia) and RES Inc, 1993/6.
Property Office Modernization: Feasibility and business case analysis. Rolf Schliewen developed the methodology for
investment analysis of IP offices called PATPLAN (c), 1994. Partially funded by CIDA.
organizational modernization project for the Russian Standards Organization
(GOSSTANDART). Funded by RES Inc. and
CIDA. Sr. Consultant, then Project
Manager, 1996/7.
Express Ceramica
Inc. obtained the NAFTA region marketing rights for a Russian patented process
of making ceramic materials from standard clay without a high temperature
calcination. Rolf Schliewen took over
the project personally and obtained an American patent for the process. Market introduction is underway.
Business Representation - Defence
Schliewen is the Canadian agent for SIMAGINE, a consortium of SIEMENS
Netherlands and SIMTECH of Tel Aviv.
Major project: computer simulation and training systems for the
modernization of the Canadian fleet of tanks, 1996-2002.
3. Policy Research (selected projects)
Cultural Industries
Schliewen was the project leader and principal researcher on a number of
statistical studies into leisure, the attendance at performing arts, and the
active pursuit of leisure activities vs. 'passive' leisure such as watching
TV. The work was funded by the Arts and
Culture Branch, Secretary of State, and the Department of Communications, and
resulted in publications and policy decisions to fund performing arts in
Canada. RES Inc. performed the national
data collection for the first Time Budget Survey in Canada (1981, STC, CEIC,
and KMPG).
Effectiveness of Canada Employment Centres and the
CEIC Programs
under contract to CEIC, RES Inc. performed several studies and analyses of the
results of Canada's job creation, job training, and unemployment insurance
programs. One major project was the
national survey of the Record of Employment (ROE), under subcontract to the
Bureau of Management Consulting (BMC).
Res Inc. designed an ongoing survey of the effectiveness of CECs.
Metric Conversion Program
Schliewen managed several program evaluation and policy studies of the ongoing
metric conversion program, under contract to the Metric Commission Canada
(MCC), and the Program Evaluation Branch of Consumer and Corporate Affairs
Canada (CCAC). One such project was a
national survey of the status and outlook of metric conversion in the U.S.,
conducted by RES under Canadian sponsorship with Joseph Coates Associates Inc.
of Chevy Chase, Washington, D.C., as subcontractor. The other one was the key Metric Phase-out
Study of Canada (1985/6), which justified the decision to suspend state support
for the metric program as it was proven that the conversion process was
Industry Programs
Schliewen has done continuous business with ITC, DREE/DRIE, MIST, and Industry
Canada in their various forms. Subject
areas: design and plan for a national inventory of tourism resources; Energy
Conservation (EMR and ITC), Office of Special Import Permits (OSIP);
Establishment Database in Information Management Branch (IMB); information
systems work for Program for Export Market Development (PEMD), and for the
Business Opportunities Sourcing System (B.O.S.S.). He conducted for Industry Canada two national
surveys on the demand for, and supply of, trained professionals in industrial
Comprehensive Audits
Schliewen worked as a member of two comprehensive audit teams for the Office of
the Auditor General (OAG), assisting on the effectiveness components of the
comprehensive audits of Supply Administration, and Services Administration of
the Department of Supply and Services (DSS). Writing of chapters in the Annual Reports of
the OAG.
Organizational Design
Schliewen was selected by the ADM, Corporate Management Sector, DSS, to conduct
organizational reviews and re-design engagements, one for the Canadian General
Standards Board (CGSB), and the other for the Office of the Executive Secretary
(OES) of DSS. Rolf Schliewen was the
project manager in the planning phase of a project to modernize the
Corporations Branch (CCAC) by automating their paper files; this system is now
known as DISCO. Rolf Schliewen conducted
an operational audit of the information systems directorate of Secretary of
State, DG of Administration and Finance.
Program Evaluation
Schliewen and senior employees of RES Inc. conducted a number of program
evaluation studies and evaluability assessments for the program evaluation
branches of various departments: Indian and Northern Affairs, Health and
Welfare, Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Employment and Immigration, Secretary
of State/Multiculturalism, Communications (DOC)/Arts and Culture Branch,
Canadian Museum Corporation/National Science and Technology Museum, and the
Cabinet Board of Management of Ontario. Methods of elite and specialized interviewing
were developed.
Transportation / Social Research
Schliewen performed a statistical analysis of the largest roadside survey of
drinking and driving conducted in Canada in the 70s and 80s, using new methods
of segmentation analysis, and prepared a research monograph. Results were published in a bilingual report
of Transport Canada (1979).
National Surveys of
Demand and Supply Side of a Market
Rolf Schliewen designed and directed two
national surveys of the supply of, and demand for, the industrial design
profession in Canada. Industry Canada,