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Ottawa, April 8, 1997: RES International Inc. has concluded a licensing agreement with the Government of Canada for the Travel Expert System (TES). RES International developed TES to support government travel expenditure control needs. It is widely considered the most advanced such software product. RES can now provide this system and later versions to public and private sector organizations worldwide.

The partners to the agreement are Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), representing a group of government departments which use TES, and RES International Inc., the product's developer. In return for the sole rights license, RES Inc. has agreed to develop at its own cost a new-technology version of TES, and to exploit the technology by developing versions of TES for public organizations and business. The federal government and RES will exchange any future improvements to TES.

Because of the nature of government, the travel Policy of the Federal Government is complex. TES was designed to reduce administrative costs while improving compliance.

TES uses an expert system to automatically and correctly interpret all aspects of the policy in software on the traveller's desktop. TES determines what requires an override to the policy, determines who has the authority to approve this override, and correctly assigns the financial coding for all expenses. It supports travellers, managers, administrative staff, cashiers, finance officers, and auditors. It lets organizations streamline and re-fraineer their travel expense processing.

RES Inc. will work with partners to speed the introduction to the market of this exceptional travel administration system. The award of TES rights to RES Inc. is an example of the partnership between government and private sector firms in order to restrain spending, to leverage Canadian technology, to transfer knowledge, and to allow private sector firms to benefit from their experience in developing new technology for the government. RES Inc. is traded on the Canadian Dealing Network (CDN) in Toronto (Symbol RESZ).

For further information:

Jean-Marc Drouin, Electronic Commerce Product Manager
RES Inc., 600, 100 Sparks St.
Ottawa, ONT K1P 5B7
T: 613/238-3690
F: 613/235-5889

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